Dr. Bhavyashree is an experienced Dermatologist with over 12 years of experience in the field. She is a board-certified MD Dermatologist. After completing her MD in Dermatology pursued a fellowship in Dermatosurgery from the famous St.Johns Medical college which is affiliated with RGUHS university and has undergone specialization in advanced cosmetology.
Her areas of special interest and clinical practice centers on general dermatology, injectable, laser medicine, and hair restoration.
She is a member of IADVL.
Some of her articles published in social media newspapers
• Alopecia Areata can be mentally Devastating
• Unusual skin redness? Get it checked out now
• Skin rash? No, it may not be Monkey pox
• Winter’s here, time to nourish your skin
Publication in indexed Journal
1. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2022 Dec. Vol-5
Association between serum sialic acid levels and disease severity in psoriasis: A Case-control Study
UG Bhavyashree, Laddha Vedant, B Vishal, Malcom Pinto, Manjunath Shenoy